

EyeSalons is aware that there may be times when employees need to file an official complaint about unjust treatment, health and safety issues, or general workplace concerns. This grievance policy was created to outline the process for reporting these concerns to ensure all that of our employees can be heard and treated equally.

Please DO NOT use this process if you have been the victim of harassment (sexual or otherwise), bullying (physical, emotional, or otherwise),or discrimination at EyeSalons. If you believe you have been harassed, bullied, or discriminated against, please report that behavior to the Studio Manager or the CEO right away using the following contact details:

Studio Manager
Ernestine Prater
336 579 4921

Marc Vinson
213 479 7355

For all other issues, this policy is applicable to all EyeSalons employees, including management.

EyeSalons encourages employees to resolve minor disputes with the help of a designated liaison, manager, and/or human resources representative. If you feel the informal complaint is not fairly and constructively resolved within 10 days, employees may file a formal grievance.

Employees can file a grievance when:

  • They believe their health and safety has been compromised.

  • They believe they have witnessed poor or inappropriate behavior by a supervisor, manager, or other team member.

  • There believe that unjust changes have been made to their employment agreement.

  • They believe policy guidelines have been, or are being, violated.

  • There is a dispute between coworkers and/or management.

  • There are unresolved concerns about pay or benefits.

EyeSalons also recognizes that every case is different and this list is subject to change or expand over time.


EyeSalons’ responsibility is to accept and thoroughly investigate all duly received grievance complaint forms.

We will:

  • Ensure that the grievance is resolved within 10 days, depending on the severity of each case. When more than 10 days is required, we will communicate within that 10 day window, and each subsequent 10 day window if more time is reasonably required to appropriately address a concern. At all times, we will act with the understanding that time is of the essence.

  • Treat all parties fairly throughout the grievance process.

  • Not retaliate when employees file a complaint against management.

  • Organize mediation meetings with the appropriate parties when deemed appropriate.

  • Practice a high level of confidentiality throughout the grievance process.

  • Accept and investigate all duly received Appeals.

  • Ensure that the final decision is communicated and implemented.

  • Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of each grievance.

Policy Violations: If an employee is found to have violated the grievance procedure policy, they will be subject to disciplinary action. The severity of each case will determine the type of disciplinary action, which may include a verbal or written warning, suspension, and/or termination.  


WE ARE OPERATING WITH AN OPEN-DOOR POLICY and we want to resolve issues promptly. You may submit an informal complaint at any time through proper channels without completing a specialized form or following the process below. Submit those complaints through channels that have been established and communicated to you. Most informal complaints flow through your manager or a designated liaison. All complaints will be taken seriously and handled in a timely manner.

To file a formal complaint:

  1. Fill out the Grievance Form using the link at the bottom of this page. If preferred, you may request a paper copy of this form from your designated Team Liaison (Ernestine), or if you wish to have a paper copy of this form without notifying anyone, you may use the “Download” button at the bottom of this page.

  2. If you’ve completed this form online, your Team Liaison will be notified. If you’ve completed a paper copy of this form, notify Ernestine via Slack and she will collect your completed form. (If your grievance involves your Team Liaison, or if you feel uncomfortable communicating with your Team Liaison for any reason, you may submit your Grievance Form directly to the CEO.)

  3. Your completed form will then be directed to proper channels and escalated up based on details and classification. (All documents will be kept confidential and secure in individual employee files.)

  4. Once escalated, an in-person meeting will be scheduled for in-depth discussion(s) and investigation.

  5. A meeting to discussed a proposed solution will be scheduled with appropriate parties.

  6. Appeal: If the solution does not satisfy your concerns, you will have the opportunity to appeal. The appeal process will be communicated with you at the time of the proposed resolution so that you have an adequate opportunity to prepare an appeal if desired.