Business Process Improvement
EyeSalons is aware that there may be times when employees have ideas about how to enhance a workplace process or protocol. Enhancements may involve a service, a department of services, a piece of equipment or tool used to provide a service, a service delivery method, front of house procedures, software, etc.
We encourage employees to be forward-thinking and to identify areas where we, as a team, can improve. The best way to suggest a change is to file an official Business Process Improvement (BPI) request.
Think of the BPI process as your ability to drop a suggestion into a powerful suggestion box. Submitting a request involves identifying the business process you want to engage, analyzing the process, and recommending an improvement to an existing business processes that will optimize performance, meet best practice standards, or improve service quality and the client experience.
To be the most successful, we know we need to be agile, able to respond to changes in internal and external dynamics. This policy was created to outline a way that valued employees can submit ideas, have those ideas heard, and be a part of creating new solutions to complex business issues.
Do you think you have a great idea about an existing process? Here’s a message from the CEO about what to expect when you click submit.
Dear Valued Team Members:
I’m excited for your feedback! Here are 5 tenets that I want you to keep in mind as you engage with the BPI process.
Think of this as your duty. I believe in a “see something, say something” approach to management, growth, and expansion. Each of us works in different environments. Many of you are on the front line. The EyeSalons experience from your vantage point is uniquely important to me. It sits at the top of my chart of concern, right along side our clients’ experience. I encourage you to treat this process as your duty to bring forth areas of potential improvement.
Be open to the process. I believe that if something matters to you, you must be willing to rise to the occasion of what it takes to be heard, even if being heard doesn’t yield an immediate change. Not every suggestion, even great ones, will necessarily receive approval for implementation. That doesn’t mean the idea isn’t great. It doesn’t mean you’re not great. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t submit new BPI requests about other ideas. Moving forward with a business process change involves a lot of factors from physical space limitations, to financial analysis, to growth timelines and trajectories. Our not moving forward on a concept we love today doesn’t mean we won’t move forward with it in the future. Be open to the final resolution, knowing that every single suggestion will get a fully engaged review.
Be ready. Again, when something matters to you, rise to the occasion. Time is limited, and we all have a significant set of responsibilities. Even so, if you submit a BPI request, it will receive significant consideration. You’ll be expected to chat constructively with team members, discuss your ideas with management, and perhaps even discuss your ideas with customers under our guidance. Ultimately, you or a team member we designate will present your ideas in a written brief and also in person before my panel for consideration. If you’re going to submit a suggestion that you really believe in, show up to each part of the process prepared and ready to defend your ideas. Do your research and bring that with you. Ideas we can’t defend seldom gain traction, and it is through the process of defending an idea that we learn how to create better experiences.
Think beyond yourself. As we grow, you’ll be part of a growing group of team members. Your BPI requests, while important to your own experience, must also take into account the entire team’s experiences. Lead with that in mind for the most successful response.
Accept the hard work. While my goal is to make this process as easy as possible, I know it will require hard work. Accept that, knowing that any good thing takes hard work. Guess what? It was hard work for the member of my team who set up the process you’re asking to modify. Why wouldn’t it take equally hard work changing what someone has already toiled for days, weeks, months, or years setting up before you came along?
Thanks for engaging with us as one of the most valuable parts of the EyeSalons experience—our team members.
Fill out a Business Process Improvement Plan Form by clicking the button at the end of this page. Each request will be considered constructively over a 60-day review process. Many BPI requests can be handled much more quickly, but much of the timeline depends on you!
If you need assistance with this process, your designated Team Liaison is Chelsea. Reach out to her for assistance and guidance with this process. Once submitted, she will be involved with each of the steps below, so feel free to engage her even at the submission stage if you need assistance.
Step 1: Identify – Day 0
Goal: Clearly define what you believe needs to change
Define the process you’re reviewing and the goals of the change(s) you’re requesting
You don’t have to have all of the answers at this point, and if needed, we’ll assign a team of your colleagues to help you with research in the next step
Your BPI request will go to your Team Liaison and the CEO’s Executive Action Committee
Your Team Liaison will be involved from here through the end of the process
Step 2: Analyze – Up to Day 7
Goal: Understand pain points and determine root causes of the issue raised
Recognize how things are not working as well as they could in your opinion
This is where you can leverage the team, under our guidance, to provide feedback
We’ll help you with this part of the process so that your review is constructive, filled with rich opportunity instead of idle gossip or emotional dumping which seldom lead to constructive change
A copy of the analysis report you generate will go to the Committee—don’t worry, we’ll give you a template!
Step 3: Redesign – Up to Day 21
Goal: Redesign the process for proposal
Create process improvement suggestions with sufficient research
In this phase, your Team Liaison will assist with delegating who is responsible for parts of the proposal that will ultimately land on the CEO’s desk for review with the Executive Action Committee
Submit your written brief to the Committee and request to schedule a presentation
Step 4: Present – Up to Day 25
Goal: Present your strategy to the Committee
You’ll meet in person or virtually with a panel to present your ideas
You can present as a group or choose one person to present on behalf of the group
Ideas will be challenged in ways that will stretch your mindset, but always with a focus on constructive enhancement
Step 5: Review – Up to Day 30
Goal: Over the next 5 days, the Committee will meet to review and consider your proposal based on your presentation and your submitted brief
One of 4 determinations will result:
DENIED – a detailed and thorough explanation will be returned to you
PENDING ANSWER TO OBJECTIONS – a detailed and thorough analysis will be returned to you with areas that require your modification for our reconsideration
APPROVED WITH ADJUSTMENTS – this BPI request is approved with modifications already made by the Committee
APPROVED – this BPI request is approved as received without modification
Step 6: Implement – Up to Day 60
If your request is “DENIED”, we will meet with you to discuss
If your request is “PENDING ANSWER TO OBJECTIONS”, you will receive our analysis before we meet with you to discuss and then you will return to Step 3
If your request is “APPROVED WITH ADJUSTMENTS” or simply “APPROVED”, we will meet with you to discuss implementing and communicating the change(s) to the team
Step 7: Monitor and Review – Ongoing review
Goal: Continual improvement
All changes that result from BPI requests will be monitored for ongoing review and enhancement
Note: Sometimes changes that look good on paper fail in practice. If we, as a team, see that happening, we will work together to reassess the situation.